Change Grow Live (CGL)
- Kirklees
- Dewsbury
- Huddersfield
Turning Point
- Wakefield
- Castleford
- Wakefield
- Forward Leeds
- Armley Park Court
- Irford House
- Kirkgate
- Recovery Steps Calderdale
- Halifax
- Todmorden
- New Vision Bradford
- Bradford
- Keighley
Practice Plus Group (PPG)
- West Yorkshire
- HMP Leeds
- HMP Wealstun
- HMP New Hall
- HMP Wakefield
Charities/Third Sector
- Bevan Healthcare
- Hepatitis C Trust
- Leeds Sexual Health
- Locala Health & Wellbeing
- The Joanna Project
- St Georges Crypt
- York Street GP Practice
- Basis Yorkshire
- Community Awareness Programme (CAP)
- Yorkshire Cancer Community
- West Yorkshire and Harrogate Cancer Alliance
Local Government
- Leeds City Council
- Wakefield Council
- Bradford Council
- Calderdale Council
- Kirklees Council
Microbiology services
- Leeds Teaching Hospitals
- Mid Yorkshire Hospitals
- Manchester Microbiology Medical Partnership
- UK Health Security Agency
- NHS England
- West Yorkshire Community Pharmacy
- West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (ICB)